What Are ePublications?

An ePublication, or ePub, is simply an electronic publication as a downloadable digital file. On this website I use Adobe Acrobat PDF files for the digital downloads. The PDF files are viewable on most computer and tablet digital devices, but require installation of the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or compatible PDF-reader software or App.

Use of PDFs gives me great flexibility in presenting my photography in a dramatic and interactive format. The PDFs are also great companions to physically printed projects, like chapbooks and folios, and have the added benefit of near zero-cost distribution, as well as no limits on number of images that can included in the digital production.

Please note that when opening a PDF file you typically have the choice of viewing the file in the PDF helper application of your browser or downloading the entire file locally to your device. Either way should work, but I recommend downloading locally for a more enjoyable presentation experience.